1. Who in my family does my membership include?

It includes husband and wife plus all single members of a household who are dependent on the head of the household and living in the same place of residence. It also includes single dependent that are away at school. Memberships purchased do not include members’ children over the age of 25.

2. Do the resorts have security?

There is a check-in procedure, and there is also at least one person present on the resort twenty-four hours a day.

3. Is there a usage fee for a member’s use of a campsite?

Yes, please check current rates on our WebSite.

4. Is there a usage fee for daytime-only use of the resort facilities?

Yes, please check current rates on our WebSite.

5. How long may I stay at “The Resort”?

Members may stay at “The Resort” for up to 14 nights at a time. After staying at a resort for three nights or more then leaving, the members may return for overnight usage only after a 7 night absence; unless you are participating in the Extended Stay program. Members may use the resorts every day for daytime only use (fees apply).

6. Does “The Resort” require reservations?

“The Resort” reserves the right to allocate campsites through the use of a reservation system.  At this time, however, “The Resort” requires campsite reservations during major holidays, Peak Season – as well as major events scheduled by resort and local area.

7. May I reserve a specific campsite?

Yes, by paying a lock fee of $25.00. Otherwise you will be guaranteed a specific site type.

8. Can I depend on a space to camp at “The Resort”?

Yes, but occasionally “The Resort” may become filled.  To the extent allowed by Local and State regulations, “The Resort” will, to the best of its ability, accommodate your needs via overflow and dry camping until full hook-ups are available.

9. May I bring guests to “The Resort”?

Yes, each member is allowed to bring guests in the member’s own RV without charge.  A member may also bring a guest who occupies a second site for a fee (fees may be adjusted without notice – check with the resort for current pricing).  No guest may camp without the member present.  It is “The Resort” policy that member needs always receive first consideration.  Therefore, overnight guests who occupy a second site are not allowed on holidays or three day weekends.   Guests are limited to one guest family per member family per day.   The number of guests per membership must not total more than 6 persons per campsite at any time.  The members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and should acquaint them with resort and member rules.

10. How many RV units are allowed on each campsite?

One RV unit per site. Check with your home park about tent camping.

11. May I leave my camper on a site permanently or unattended overnight?

NO; unless you are participating in the Extended Stay program (check with your home park about sites available). You may not leave your camper or tent on a site unattended overnight, but you may rent a storage space in the RV storage area, if available.

12. May I bring a pet to the resort?

Yes.  They must be kept on a leash at all times and under control of the member, or in the member’s RV.   Pets are not allowed in the buildings or in the swimming pool area.  Noisy or vicious pets are not allowed.

13. Are motorcycles, trail bikes, mopeds, or A.T.V.s  allowed?

No, except as provided for in the Resort and Member Rules.  Handicapped vehicles are exempt.

14. Can the “The Resort” dues be increased?

Yes. “The Resort” dues are an annual management fee which helps pay for the ongoing operational expenses of the resorts.  Dues can be increased on the extent of any rise in the Consumer Price Index for All Consumers (1967-100) (the “Index”) reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Dues increases cease when a member reaches age 65.  Member is responsible for notifying Resort.

15. May I sell or transfer my “The Resort” membership?

Yes. It is the responsibility of the member to find a buyer. The account must be in a current status while trying to sell the membership. The seller must contact the corporate office with the new buyer’s name(s), address and phone number. There is a transfer fee of $250.00 to be paid to “All American RV Parks”  for the administrative cost of the transfer. We will then forward the current member(s) a “relinquishment of rights agreement”. We will send, to the prospective member(s), a Resort Parks International application and a new contract. Upon receipt of the paperwork, the proper adjustments will be made to put the account in the new member’s name(s). The transfer is not complete until all paperwork is returned to the corporate office.

16. Will the company sell my “The Resort” membership for me?

No.  “The Resort” will not sell your membership, nor buy it back or locate a buyer for you.  “The Resort” does not maintain or provide a list of prospective buyers.  However, we will assist you by showing your prospect around the resort, explaining our program and doing the paperwork.

17. Is the membership an investment for financial profit?

No, “The Resort” is selling a recreational and leisure product for your use, not investment.  Therefore, this membership should not be purchased in order to make a financial profit.

18. Can my children use my membership?

Each child can use it 4 times per year for 7 days each visit (7 in / 7 out). They will be given a special discounted rate. The discount cannot be used on special event or holiday weekends.

Contact Information

All American RV Parks
18201 McDurmott W Ste C
Irvine, CA 92614-4748

714.589.2600 :: Local
800.529.1717 :: Toll Free


Live Chat

Park Reservations:
760.324.8244 :: Cathedral Palms
601.876.4151 :: Hidden Springs
937.324.2267 :: Tomorrow's Stars

All American RV Parks

Enjoy "The Good Times"